4th Picture Tagging

This is what your was supposed to do: Go to the place on your computer where you store all your pictures and open the 4th folder. Open the 4th picture. Post the picture and give an explanation of what it is. Tag 4 people. DO NOT CHEAT!! You cannot edit or crop the picture!! So this is the photo in my 4th folder and 4 photo, I was on the internet looking for vintage photos at one point for a Deco and kind of liked this one.......thinking it was unique. And I'm tagging some of my SBS Sistahs.........Happy Tagging!


  1. You are so right about the extremes!! The blowing sand/dust drives me crazy - and the winds are not gentle - we've clocked some 60 mph gusts out of a 40 mph day! I'm not liking New Mexico that much - I'd like to go back to California. I miss it!

  2. I like the seed photo - I love vintage pictures. I have a collection of cabinet cards I use in mine.

  3. HElp me which group is this for you tagged me I am in a minblurp right now--I have Fibromyalgia and sometime fibrofog kicks in and I am in it really bad right now can you help me

    creations4U I am your sbs sis

    if you yahoo here is my yahoo IM messanger bettyboop05020004


Thanks for your wonderful comments as I love hearing from you! Shell♥

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